All You Need To Know About The Drift Rose

drift roses are a cross between a full size groundcover rose and a miniature rose. each color variety offers a long bloom times and an easy to manage size.

Drift Rose come in multiple varieties, offering the multiple colors and shapes to fit your pallet. Drift roses rebloom every 5-6 weeks and do not require deadheading.

Drift Roses prefer neutral soil with access to 6-8 hours of sunlight per day. The more sun that they receive, the more blooms that you should see.

Drift Roses are extremely cold hardy and heat resistant. They’re, also, extremely disease and pest resistant (blackspot, mildew, rust) but are not deer tolerant. They will perform without fertilizing each year. If you DO choose to fertilize, be sure to fertilize with a balanced fertilizer after the first bloom.


What is The Difference Between A Drift Rose & A Knockout Rose?


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