All You Need To Know About The Dianella Flax Lily

The Dianella Flax Lily is Lowcountry favorite. It is a variegated iris that offers color contrast for landscapes.


➔  Plant in well drained soil in an area that gets sun at least half of the day (soil moisture is the main culprit of problems with this plan)

➔Generally planted in groups of 3-5 as groundcover, border plant, or even as an accent plant, to bring color and texture into the landscape

➔ Needs sun at least half of the day

Maintenance & Pruning

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➔ Occasional light pruning to keep shape

➔Around St. Patricks Day cut off any leaves with freeze damage
➔ Seasonal fertilizer

➔If leaves become pale this may indicate a need for more fertilizer

Common Problems

➔  Fungal Disease “Rust”: you will see a rusty color on the leaves. Cut plant down to 6” above the ground and spray with copper based fungicide.

➔  Sensitive to cold. Tips of leaves may turn brown if it is freezing or it may die.

➔  Overwatering or underwatering may cause leaf tips to turn brown.


How Often Should I Run My Irrigation?


Native Pollinator Landscapes/Gardens For the Lowcountry Region