Top Things To Know About The Cast Iron Plant

The cast iron is an extremely hardy perennial that is notorious for growing in dry and shady conditions. (Too much sunlight will do more harm than good to these plants!) The cast iron plant has long, glossy, green leaves, similar to that of a corn stalk. The plant is ideal for ground cover under trees or along fence or house lines. Although the cast iron can vary in size, cast iron plants typically grow to be about 2 feet tall, and 2-3 feet wide.

The cast iron does produce small purple flowers at the base of the plant for pollination. This generally occurs during the Spring months. Major pruning is not necessary for the cast iron but removing dead or dry leaves whenever necessary will help improve the plant’s overall health.

Cast Iron plants are nontoxic to animals and humans, making them ideal for a landscape with pets and children. Because of the plant’s hardiness, cats or dogs digging in the soil around them is unlikely to do any significant harm.

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