What is Insecticide?
Insecticides are chemicals used to control insects by killing them or preventing them from engaging in undesirable or destructive behaviors. Insecticide is used to control a variety of insects including: mole crickets, chinch bugs, army worms, fleas, ticks, and ants.
indicators of potential insect activity
Watch for areas of your lawn that appear to be drying out, or areas that have exposed roots. Mole crickets will make little dirt piles. Insects typically like warmer soil. They tend to start their destruction along curbs and drives and near landscape lighting or lamp posts.
Commonly used insecticides by Coastal Shores
Bifenthrin: An as needed insecticide used to kill harmful insects feeding in turf.
Allectus: An as needed insecticide providing systematic control of insects in turf.
Top Choice: An insecticide applied in the Spring and Fall providing season long control of fire ants.
Dylox: An as needed insecticide providing excellent control of grubs, mole crickets, and other harmful turf insects beneath the surface and helps control mole activity.
Crosscheck: An as needed, broad spectrum, insecticide used to control mole cricket activity, as well as many other lawn and shrub damaging insects, including chinch bugs, fleas, ticks, army worms, and ants.