What are Chinch Bugs?

Chinch bugs are a major pest of grasses in the Lowcountry, specifically in St. Augustine grass. As chinch bugs feast on grasses, they inject a toxin into it that causes the grass to yellow and eventually die. Damage from a chinch bug infestation resembles drought patches in grass.

Damage from chinch bugs generally begins in high-sun areas of turf grasses before moving moving to the rest of the lawn. Chinch bugs are normally active in grasses beginning in late June and staying through September. Grasses under stress (drought, heat, thatch build-up) are particularly susceptible to infestation.

Identification: Young chinch bugs are bright orange with a white band around their abdomen, while mature chinch bugs are black and white with shiny wings. A full grown chinch bug is approximately 1/4th of an inch in length.


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